Baithak Foundation believes that music exposure and education are as important as mainstream education.

Since 2016, we are working towards creating a society with equitable music access and learning opportunities for children from the most marginalised communities.

Bandish in Raga Khem Kalyan

1. पिहरवा मैं कही देहो, ताल : तीनताल, लय : द्रुत 

Pharva Mai Kahi Deho, Taal : Teental, Lay : Drut


पिहरवा मैं कही देहो बता, मोरा मन तुम्हीसन लागा |


मोमदशाह तुम सदारंगीलवा मन की बात देहो बता ||

This composition has been contributed by Rutuja Lad.

Other Comments: 

Piharva Mai Kahi Deho is traditionally a Vilambit composition. Smt. Ashwini Bhide Deshpande Ji first thought of singing it in Drut Lay. When she realised it sounded really nice, she sung it for Pt. Ratnakar Pai. Pai Ji also liked the Drut Lay rendition. Since then, Ashwini Tai has been singing this composition in Drut Lay. 

Support Baithak Foundation

Our mission for this year is taking Indian traditional music to 40 schools catering to students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. We would appreciate if you could support our cause by contributing to it!